How to keep your Macbook Battery Healthy with AlDente App

Best app to keep Mac Laptop battery healthy

This app is great for preventing the laptop battery from losing charge capacity quicker than it should which keeps the battery healthy and should last longer.

From the AlDente website
Why do I need this app?

Li-ion batteries (like the one in your MacBook) last the longest when operated between 20% and 80%. Keeping your battery at 100% most of the time will significantly shorten the lifespan of your MacBook battery and Replacing an old battery is not only harmful to the environment but also costs around $ 200. With AlDente installed, you can set a charging limit in a more healthy charging range, and with more features like Heat Protection, Sailing Mode, and Calibration Mode you can keep your battery healthy even longer.

To see this great app visit link below. I personally bought the Pro version because I think the extra pro features are worth it.

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